Strengthening Local Value Chains For Energy Transition Solutions In The Global South

September 26, 2024

Background and Rationale

A scale-up of clean energy technology deployment including renewable energy and vehicle electrification in the Global South offers opportunities to meet rapidly growing energy demand, bridge the access deficit, and drive industrialization. Energy transition and green growth strategies must be closely tied to governments’ local value creation and job creation objectives. Unlocking these opportunities requires going beyond a focus on technology deployment alone, to an integrated approach that supports the development of local value chains with backward linkages to domestically available critical mineral resources.

A basket of policies is usually necessary, as part of a holistic industrial policy framework, that hinges on a long-term strategic vision and addresses both supply- and demand-side incentives, alongside interventions focused on education and training, regional and international trade frameworks, technology transfer, logistics and complementary infrastructure roll-out.

As countries across the Global South raise their climate ambitions while simultaneously advancing local value addition through various industrial policy tools, targeted efforts are needed to deliver the data and analytics, tools and support that can inform decision making and facilitate collaboration to enable Global South countries to have a stronger voice in the discourse on critical minerals and renewable energy supply chain development. There is need for a focused dialogue that identifies strategies in the international regime, including those related to trade, investments and technology, to enhance the participation of global south countries in clean energy value chains.

Event Overview:

The roundtable will take place alongside the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) 2024 convened by the Council on Critical Minerals Development in the Global South facilitated by Sustainable Energy for All, the Institute for Transportation Studies (UC Davis) and Swaniti Global, in partnership with the Africa Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

It will bring together leaders from governments, industry, financing institutions and multilateral development agencies to identify the essential levers of change needed to support the development of local and regional renewable energy manufacturing capabilities, particularly in Africa. It will provide a platform for countries to share current gaps in data, tools, capacities and policy frameworks that are inhibiting them from fostering domestic value addition and ensuring equitable distribution of benefits. This discussion is timely as it anticipates the release of outcomes from the UNSG Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals in September 2024 and will contribute to deliberations on the implementation phase.

Event Objectives:

  • To facilitate discussions on challenges faced by Global South governments to attract investments in local value chains and secure access to energy transition technologies.
  • To engage in dialogue on how south-south and international engagement can be most effectively shaped to advance the interests of Global South countries and ensure equitable benefits sharing across supply chains.
  • To identify key levers of change necessary, particularly on trade policy and investments, to address challenges.
  • To generate a set of recommendations to guide stakeholders to design tools, analytics and platforms to support Global South countries’ local value addition and renewables goals.
  • To discuss how the voluntary principles developed by the UN Secretary General Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals can be translated into actions at country-level.


Opening remarks & Announcements - 10 min

Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary- General for Sustainable Energy for All

H.E. Moses Engadu, Secretary General, Africa Minerals Strategy Group

Scene-setting presentation - 10 min

Catalyzing South-South Cooperation for Local Value Chain Development: Introducing the Council for Critical Minerals Development in the Global South

Aditya Ramji (Director, Global South Clean Transportation Centre, UC Davis) & Divyam Nagpal (Principal Specialist – Renewable Energy, SEforALL)

Roundtable discussion - 70 min

Moderator: Zainab Usman, Director of the Africa Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Roundtable participants:

  1. Hon. Herbert Krapa, Minister for Energy, Republic of Ghana
  2. Hon. Julius Daniel Mattai, Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Republic of Sierra Leone
  3. Hon. Martin Gama Abucha, Minister of Mining, Republic of South Sudan
  4. Hon. Monica Chang’anamuno MP, Minister of Mining, Republic of Malawi
  5. H.E. Moses Engadu, Secretary General, Africa Minerals Strategy Group
  6. Hon. Ndolenodji Alixe Naimbaye, Minister of Petroleum, Mines and Geology, Republic of Chad
  7. Hon. Dr. Oladele Henry Alake, Honourable Minister of Solid Minerals Development, Federal Republic of Nigeria
  8. Hon. Dr. Steven L. Kiruswa (MP), Deputy Minister for Minerals, United Republic of Tanzania
  9. Andrew Kamau, Managing Director of International Programs, Energy Opportunity Lab, Center on Global Energy Policy, ColumbiaUniversity
  10. Andy Herscowitz, Rockefeller Catalytic Capital
  11. Emma Jordi, Project Advisor, Three Cairns Group
  12. Erica Westenberg, Director of Governance Programs, Natural Resources Governance Institute
  13. Jide Ikeako, Director, Africa Program, Global Energy Transition Initiative, ClimateWorks Foundation
  14. Kristi Disney Bruckner, Law & Policy Director, Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance
  15. Kwasi Ampofo, Head of Metals and Mining, BloombergNEF
  16. Olumide Abimbola, Executive Director, Africa Policy Research Institute
  17. Rana Ghoneim, Chief of the Energy Systems and Industrial Decarbonization Unit, UNIDO
  18. Solange Harpham, Head of the Environment and Transition Minerals Programme & Secretariat of the Global Council for Responsible Transition Minerals
  19. Suneeta Kaimal, President & CEO, Natural Resources Governance Institute
  20. Victor Gathogo, East Africa Lead, Global Energy Transition Initiative, Africa Program, ClimateWorks Foundation
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